Predatory Mites

Real Phytoseiulus persimilis

Real Phytoseiulus contains a predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis for the management of the two-spotted mite (Tetranychus urticae).
The predatory mite is specific to spider mites and consumes all stages of the spider mite. Phytoseiulus persimilis adults, protonymphs and deutonymphs predate on spider mites.

Real IPM Ltd has invested in a state of the art mass production facility on the Equator, where it is possible to produce predatory mites all year round.

Real IPM produces predatory mites under license from Syngenta BioLine.

Predatory Mites

Real Amblyseius cucumeris

Real Cucumeris is a living mite control product that contains a predatory mite Amblyseius cucumeris.
Amblyseius cucumeris is a beige mite less than 1/25-inch long, and is a predator of Thrips. It is very mobile on the underside of a leaf or in a flower

Real IPM offers a range of traps and advice on how to optimise their use in an IPM Programme. Available in blue and yellow colours we both have monitoring and mass trapping sticky traps. The traps will attract a range of flying pests, including, thrips, whitefly, aphids, fruit fly and leafminer. It could also trap flying parasitic wasps that could have helped to protect the crop.

Real IPM Uganda, is delighted to be one of the three collaborators in Regional Efficacy Trials to Reduce excessive Chemical inputs.
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