
The Real IPM company provides a comprehensive consultancy service to the international horticultural fresh produce industry, as well as plantation crops such as coffee, sisal, cashew, macadamia, pineapple and others. We work with both large and small-scale growers.


SHEC, Small Holder Enterprise Centre is an initiative by the company to offer healthy and nutritious food to its employees at a very subsidized price and a demonstration farm for training small holder farmers how to utilize the little available land to produce healthy and nutritious vegetables through the use of Vertical Bag Farms and other sustainable agricultural technologies..


Our trainers keep professionally updated to ensure our customers get the most out of their investment in capacity building. We have accreditation from professional bodies for our training. Choose from a range of learning experiences – distance learning, workshops, conferences, practical skills and classroom-based teaching methods. 

avocado growing and value addition

Together with resources from our mother company PS Management we have a pool of regional experts enabling The Real IPM Uganda Ltd to provide a comprehensive consultancy service to the international horticultural fresh produce industry, as well as plantation crops such as avocado growing and value addition, coffee, sisal, cashew, macadamia, pineapple, and assorted vegetables. We work with both large, small-scale growers and startups.


Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) offering critical support services to agribusinesses.

Training in Integrated Farm Assurance, Good Agricultural Practices,
Pesticide Safety, Quality control.

Creation of market linkages

Continuous research in collaboration with Universities, governments, non-governmental organization as well as independent research organizations

Commercialization of safer crop protection inputs

 Implementation of soil amendments through testing and supply of crop nutrition products

Spearhead innovations leading to better production and profitability.

Promotion of improved animal/poultry production/health and welfare

Promotion of Smart Farming and Sustainable Farming Systems 

Drafting of operational plans and strategies, business plans and cost-benefit analysis

Real IPM Uganda, is delighted to be one of the three collaborators in Regional Efficacy Trials to Reduce excessive Chemical inputs.
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RealIPM Kenya  
Uganda Contact Info

Plot 2A Kyambogo,
Devon Avenue, 

Kampala – Uganda

Our Support Team in Kampala is ready to assist you. Contact us here

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